While working on various projects we need sometimes a country code to be used. Various country flag widgets use country codes, so the List of useful country codes would be handy. I also created a post with a few plugins that allow adding a country flag to your project. That post can be found here.
Below I dropped a list of country codes which might be useful to someone.
The country codes themselves are from https://countrycode.org/ so if you click the county name you will be redirected to the specific country page. The information on the specific page might not be really related to your app or game, but sometimes it could be useful.
What is the Telephone Country Code?
A telephone country code is a series of digits that are used to make telephone calls to other countries. The country code is used to identify the country that a phone number belongs to, and is typically required when making an international call.
For example, if you want to call a phone number in the United States from another country, you would need to dial the telephone country code for the United States, which is +1. The plus sign indicates that it is an international call, and the 1 is the code for the United States.
There are many different telephone country codes, and they are assigned to countries and territories by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU is a United Nations agency that is responsible for coordinating the international exchange of information and communication technologies.
To find the telephone country code for a particular country, you can look it up in a list of country codes, or you can use an online tool such as the one provided by the ITU. You can also find the country code by looking at the phone number itself.
International phone numbers typically start with the country code, followed by the area code and local number. For example, a phone number in the United States might be written as +1-212-555-1212, where the +1 is the country code, the 212 is the area code, and the 555-1212 is the local number.
Where to use the Telephone Country Codes in Flutter
In the Flutter programming framework, you can use telephone country codes in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:
- Form validation: You can use telephone country codes to validate phone numbers or other forms of contact information. For example, you might use the telephone country code to ensure that a phone number is in the correct format for the user’s country.
- Geolocation: You can use telephone country codes to determine the user’s location or to show content based on the user’s location. For example, you might use the telephone country code to show the user a map of their country or to show them local news or events.
- Internationalization: You can use telephone country codes to enable users to make international calls from within your app. For example, you might use the telephone country code to allow users to select a country and enter a phone number, and then use the code to make the call.
To use telephone country codes in a Flutter app, you can either use a library that provides a list of country codes, or you can manually create a list of codes and use it in your app. For example, you might create a list of country codes and names, and use it to populate a dropdown menu or a list of countries for the user to select from.
What is the Country Code (ISO)?
An ISO country code is a code that is used to identify countries, territories, and other geographic entities. They are developed and maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). There are three types of ISO country codes:
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes: These are two-letter codes that are used to represent countries and territories. For example, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the United States is “US”.
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes: These are three-letter codes that are used to represent countries and territories. For example, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the United States is “USA”.
- ISO 3166-3 codes: These are four-letter codes that are used to represent countries and territories that are no longer in existence or have been replaced by a new country or territory. For example, the ISO 3166-3 code for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which no longer exists, is “YUG”.
ISO country codes are used for a variety of purposes, such as identifying countries on websites, in databases, and in other information systems. They are also used in international shipping and logistics, and in other industries where it is important to be able to accurately identify different countries and territories.
Where to use the Country Codes in Flutter
In the Flutter programming framework, you can use country codes in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:
- Localization: You can use country codes to display content in different languages or to customize the content based on the user’s location. For example, you might use the country code to determine which language to display your app in or to show different content to users in different countries.
- Form validation: You can use country codes to validate phone numbers or other forms of contact information. For example, you might use the country code to ensure that a phone number is in the correct format for the user’s country.
- Geolocation: You can use country codes to determine the user’s location or to show content based on the user’s location. For example, you might use the country code to show the user a map of their country or to show them local news or events.
To use country codes in a Flutter app, you can either use a library that provides a list of country codes, or you can manually create a list of codes and use it in your app. For example, you might create a list of country codes and names, and use it to populate a dropdown menu or a list of countries for the user to select from.
List of country codes for Flutter
Afghanistan | 93 | AF / AFG |
Albania | 355 | AL / ALB |
Algeria | 213 | DZ / DZA |
American Samoa | 1-684 | AS / ASM |
Andorra | 376 | AD / AND |
Angola | 244 | AO / AGO |
Anguilla | 1-264 | AI / AIA |
Antarctica | 672 | AQ / ATA |
Antigua and Barbuda | 1-268 | AG / ATG |
Argentina | 54 | AR / ARG |
Armenia | 374 | AM / ARM |
Aruba | 297 | AW / ABW |
Australia | 61 | AU / AUS |
Austria | 43 | AT / AUT |
Azerbaijan | 994 | AZ / AZE |
Bahamas | 1-242 | BS / BHS |
Bahrain | 973 | BH / BHR |
Bangladesh | 880 | BD / BGD |
Barbados | 1-246 | BB / BRB |
Belarus | 375 | BY / BLR |
Belgium | 32 | BE / BEL |
Belize | 501 | BZ / BLZ |
Benin | 229 | BJ / BEN |
Bermuda | 1-441 | BM / BMU |
Bhutan | 975 | BT / BTN |
Bolivia | 591 | BO / BOL |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 387 | BA / BIH |
Botswana | 267 | BW / BWA |
Brazil | 55 | BR / BRA |
British Indian Ocean Territory | 246 | IO / IOT |
British Virgin Islands | 1-284 | VG / VGB |
Brunei | 673 | BN / BRN |
Bulgaria | 359 | BG / BGR |
Burkina Faso | 226 | BF / BFA |
Burundi | 257 | BI / BDI |
Cambodia | 855 | KH / KHM |
Cameroon | 237 | CM / CMR |
Canada | 1 | CA / CAN |
Cape Verde | 238 | CV / CPV |
Cayman Islands | 1-345 | KY / CYM |
Central African Republic | 236 | CF / CAF |
Chad | 235 | TD / TCD |
Chile | 56 | CL / CHL |
China | 86 | CN / CHN |
Christmas Island | 61 | CX / CXR |
Cocos Islands | 61 | CC / CCK |
Colombia | 57 | CO / COL |
Comoros | 269 | KM / COM |
Cook Islands | 682 | CK / COK |
Costa Rica | 506 | CR / CRI |
Croatia | 385 | HR / HRV |
Cuba | 53 | CU / CUB |
Curacao | 599 | CW / CUW |
Cyprus | 357 | CY / CYP |
Czech Republic | 420 | CZ / CZE |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 243 | CD / COD |
Denmark | 45 | DK / DNK |
Djibouti | 253 | DJ / DJI |
Dominica | 1-767 | DM / DMA |
Dominican Republic | 1-809, 1-829, 1-849 | DO / DOM |
East Timor | 670 | TL / TLS |
Ecuador | 593 | EC / ECU |
Egypt | 20 | EG / EGY |
El Salvador | 503 | SV / SLV |
Equatorial Guinea | 240 | GQ / GNQ |
Eritrea | 291 | ER / ERI |
Estonia | 372 | EE / EST |
Ethiopia | 251 | ET / ETH |
Falkland Islands | 500 | FK / FLK |
Faroe Islands | 298 | FO / FRO |
Fiji | 679 | FJ / FJI |
Finland | 358 | FI / FIN |
France | 33 | FR / FRA |
French Polynesia | 689 | PF / PYF |
Gabon | 241 | GA / GAB |
Gambia | 220 | GM / GMB |
Georgia | 995 | GE / GEO |
Germany | 49 | DE / DEU |
Ghana | 233 | GH / GHA |
Gibraltar | 350 | GI / GIB |
Greece | 30 | GR / GRC |
Greenland | 299 | GL / GRL |
Grenada | 1-473 | GD / GRD |
Guam | 1-671 | GU / GUM |
Guatemala | 502 | GT / GTM |
Guernsey | 44-1481 | GG / GGY |
Guinea | 224 | GN / GIN |
Guinea-Bissau | 245 | GW / GNB |
Guyana | 592 | GY / GUY |
Haiti | 509 | HT / HTI |
Honduras | 504 | HN / HND |
Hong Kong | 852 | HK / HKG |
Hungary | 36 | HU / HUN |
Iceland | 354 | IS / ISL |
India | 91 | IN / IND |
Indonesia | 62 | ID / IDN |
Iran | 98 | IR / IRN |
Iraq | 964 | IQ / IRQ |
Ireland | 353 | IE / IRL |
Isle of Man | 44-1624 | IM / IMN |
Israel | 972 | IL / ISR |
Italy | 39 | IT / ITA |
Ivory Coast | 225 | CI / CIV |
Jamaica | 1-876 | JM / JAM |
Japan | 81 | JP / JPN |
Jersey | 44-1534 | JE / JEY |
Jordan | 962 | JO / JOR |
Kazakhstan | 7 | KZ / KAZ |
Kenya | 254 | KE / KEN |
Kiribati | 686 | KI / KIR |
Kosovo | 383 | XK / XKX |
Kuwait | 965 | KW / KWT |
Kyrgyzstan | 996 | KG / KGZ |
Laos | 856 | LA / LAO |
Latvia | 371 | LV / LVA |
Lebanon | 961 | LB / LBN |
Lesotho | 266 | LS / LSO |
Liberia | 231 | LR / LBR |
Libya | 218 | LY / LBY |
Liechtenstein | 423 | LI / LIE |
Lithuania | 370 | LT / LTU |
Luxembourg | 352 | LU / LUX |
Macau | 853 | MO / MAC |
Macedonia | 389 | MK / MKD |
Madagascar | 261 | MG / MDG |
Malawi | 265 | MW / MWI |
Malaysia | 60 | MY / MYS |
Maldives | 960 | MV / MDV |
Mali | 223 | ML / MLI |
Malta | 356 | MT / MLT |
Marshall Islands | 692 | MH / MHL |
Mauritania | 222 | MR / MRT |
Mauritius | 230 | MU / MUS |
Mayotte | 262 | YT / MYT |
Mexico | 52 | MX / MEX |
Micronesia | 691 | FM / FSM |
Moldova | 373 | MD / MDA |
Monaco | 377 | MC / MCO |
Mongolia | 976 | MN / MNG |
Montenegro | 382 | ME / MNE |
Montserrat | 1-664 | MS / MSR |
Morocco | 212 | MA / MAR |
Mozambique | 258 | MZ / MOZ |
Myanmar | 95 | MM / MMR |
Namibia | 264 | NA / NAM |
Nauru | 674 | NR / NRU |
Nepal | 977 | NP / NPL |
Netherlands | 31 | NL / NLD |
Netherlands Antilles | 599 | AN / ANT |
New Caledonia | 687 | NC / NCL |
New Zealand | 64 | NZ / NZL |
Nicaragua | 505 | NI / NIC |
Niger | 227 | NE / NER |
Nigeria | 234 | NG / NGA |
Niue | 683 | NU / NIU |
North Korea | 850 | KP / PRK |
Northern Mariana Islands | 1-670 | MP / MNP |
Norway | 47 | NO / NOR |
Oman | 968 | OM / OMN |
Pakistan | 92 | PK / PAK |
Palau | 680 | PW / PLW |
Palestine | 970 | PS / PSE |
Panama | 507 | PA / PAN |
Papua New Guinea | 675 | PG / PNG |
Paraguay | 595 | PY / PRY |
Peru | 51 | PE / PER |
Philippines | 63 | PH / PHL |
Pitcairn | 64 | PN / PCN |
Poland | 48 | PL / POL |
Portugal | 351 | PT / PRT |
Puerto Rico | 1-787, 1-939 | PR / PRI |
Qatar | 974 | QA / QAT |
Republic of the Congo | 242 | CG / COG |
Reunion | 262 | RE / REU |
Romania | 40 | RO / ROU |
Russia | 7 | RU / RUS |
Rwanda | 250 | RW / RWA |
Saint Barthelemy | 590 | BL / BLM |
Saint Helena | 290 | SH / SHN |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 1-869 | KN / KNA |
Saint Lucia | 1-758 | LC / LCA |
Saint Martin | 590 | MF / MAF |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 508 | PM / SPM |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1-784 | VC / VCT |
Samoa | 685 | WS / WSM |
San Marino | 378 | SM / SMR |
Sao Tome and Principe | 239 | ST / STP |
Saudi Arabia | 966 | SA / SAU |
Senegal | 221 | SN / SEN |
Serbia | 381 | RS / SRB |
Seychelles | 248 | SC / SYC |
Sierra Leone | 232 | SL / SLE |
Singapore | 65 | SG / SGP |
Sint Maarten | 1-721 | SX / SXM |
Slovakia | 421 | SK / SVK |
Slovenia | 386 | SI / SVN |
Solomon Islands | 677 | SB / SLB |
Somalia | 252 | SO / SOM |
South Africa | 27 | ZA / ZAF |
South Korea | 82 | KR / KOR |
South Sudan | 211 | SS / SSD |
Spain | 34 | ES / ESP |
Sri Lanka | 94 | LK / LKA |
Sudan | 249 | SD / SDN |
Suriname | 597 | SR / SUR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 47 | SJ / SJM |
Swaziland | 268 | SZ / SWZ |
Sweden | 46 | SE / SWE |
Switzerland | 41 | CH / CHE |
Syria | 963 | SY / SYR |
Taiwan | 886 | TW / TWN |
Tajikistan | 992 | TJ / TJK |
Tanzania | 255 | TZ / TZA |
Thailand | 66 | TH / THA |
Togo | 228 | TG / TGO |
Tokelau | 690 | TK / TKL |
Tonga | 676 | TO / TON |
Trinidad and Tobago | 1-868 | TT / TTO |
Tunisia | 216 | TN / TUN |
Turkey | 90 | TR / TUR |
Turkmenistan | 993 | TM / TKM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 1-649 | TC / TCA |
Tuvalu | 688 | TV / TUV |
U.S. Virgin Islands | 1-340 | VI / VIR |
Uganda | 256 | UG / UGA |
Ukraine | 380 | UA / UKR |
United Arab Emirates | 971 | AE / ARE |
United Kingdom | 44 | GB / GBR |
United States | 1 | US / USA |
Uruguay | 598 | UY / URY |
Uzbekistan | 998 | UZ / UZB |
Vanuatu | 678 | VU / VUT |
Vatican | 379 | VA / VAT |
Venezuela | 58 | VE / VEN |
Vietnam | 84 | VN / VNM |
Wallis and Futuna | 681 | WF / WLF |
Western Sahara | 212 | EH / ESH |
Yemen | 967 | YE / YEM |
Zambia | 260 | ZM / ZMB |
Zimbabwe | 263 | ZW / ZWE |